Thursday, January 4, 2007
Islamic School Preaches Hatred
This incident is just another straw on the back of the Australian collective. Australians are very open, welcoming and tolerant people. But everyone has their limits.
Join the International Appeasement Society
The International Appeasement Society (IAS hereon in) is an organization established to promote global stability. The IAS seeks to satisfy this objective by observing its Core Tenets. The Core Tenets are:
· Cultural Empathy- Receptiveness to the intricacies of other cultures.
There is a common misconception that some cultures are less “civilized” or less “acceptable”. This is known as cultural elitism. In reality, all cultures are rich and thriving, especially Islam which condones; brutality against women, religious persecution, terrorism, ignorance.
· Social Cohesion- Opposing assimilation.
Presently, the distorted notion of social integration mandates that migrants must abandon their rich cultural manifestations. The IAS aims to promote legitimate multiculturalism, where Ethiopian Muslims can mutilate their female children’s genitals because Mohammed (peace be upon him) said “it is a sin for a woman to enjoy sex.”
· Military Abstinence
Acts of war, even in self defense are unacceptable. The IAS deplores acts of aggression resulting in the deaths of Muslims. Specifically, the IAS condemns the Illegal Zionist Entity’s (IZE hereon in) war of genocide against the Lebanese victims, which it in fact it lost.
· Proportionate Compassion
Recognising victims of Imperialism and fascism is central to the IAS. The IAS seeks to commemorate the victims of: IZE’s illegal occupations and ethnic cleansing of Jenin, where literally billions people were killed, the Turks, who lost a few soldier during the Armenian unpleasantness and the trillions of Iraqis who are being humiliated and brutalized by the Zionist Puppy Entity (USA).
The IAS also seeks to digress from the alleged Holocaust of the Jews. There is no evidence to suggest that it did happen, but even if it did- it was more than 60 years ago. Let’s move on.
· Protection Against Defamation
Slanderous statements such as, “Islam is a proverbial cancer, that impedes, nay, erodes human progress,” and “Despite the prevalence of Islam in the hearts of over 1.25 billion Muslims, it is almost impossible to identify a single scientific, technological, medical or literary accomplishment made by these people,” or “Despite being responsible for every single territorial conflict on the planet, Muslims still insist that they’re victims and misunderstood” , or even “It’s ironic that left wing hippy movements support Islamic fascism, given Islam’s aversion to feminism, communism and extreme-liberalism, which are all allegedly apart of being left wing,” are incorrect and offensive.
Please note: This is satire. Such a society doesn't really exist- well it does, but it goes under a different name. Its official website is located here.
Random Musings
In international news,
Why has the British Colonialism Model been so successful at dealing with the indigenous?
What's an indigenous?
Missouri- Say no to medical progress. Vote against stem cell research. Reproducibility of results has ensured that chemistry and physics are off-limits to Christians. Ergo, they're now pursuing the sole vestige of science available to them- biology. Why? Because it's technically impossible to disprove the existence of God. And if it's impossible to disprove the existence of God, then it's possible that we are sinning against Him. You see, embryonic stem cells are apparently indistinguishable from human life.
I've been following the Lamont-Leiberman pre-selection battle. After reading hundreds of articles and watching hours of debate, I think that I finally understand the consideration that voters have to make: Lieberman is old and lamont is spunky.
A curious letter appeared in the local newspaper this Friday. It read: "
Controversial Mufti and pariah, Sheikh al-Hilaly observed a fortnight ago: "If a woman sits in her room, in her house, in her hijab- she will not be raped. If you take out uncovered meat and place it outside on the street, or in the garden or in the park, or in the backyard without a cover, and the cats come and eat it ... whose fault is it, the cat's or the uncovered meat? The uncovered meat is the problem.” Allow me to paraphrase: If you let a rabid dog into your home and he bites you, whose fault is that, the dog's or yours?
Human rights lawyers are challenging the legality of Madonna’s adoption. What the fuck? You'd think that human rights lawyers would support Madonna’s decision. No, apparently it's better to relegate the child to the poverty stricken malaria-infested hell hole.
Two years ago, singing MILFS- the Dixie Chicks- declared that they were embarrassed that Bush was a Texan. They caused mass outrage and were threatened, vilified and slandered. Now, Kerry comes out and asserts that US soldiers are uneducated and there is relative calm.
Abortion is a contentious issues.
Why is it racist to question the tenets of Islam but acceptable to justify 9/11 as "a legitimate response to American aggression?"
Is it possible that the Bush Administration's
How can
Are the French blind to the demographic transition in their country, or do they welcome it?
Why is it easier to blame
How is Mel Gibson not anti-Semitic? Consider his Goebbels style rant in the context of: his fundamentalist beliefs, his father's overt anti-Semitism and the Passion Play that he produced to renew the bullshit notion that Jews are somehow responsible for Jesus' death.
If Jesus was alive in the 1940s he would have been gassed in
Farewell to the GOP
The outcome of the elections will necessarily affect the direction of the USA's Foreign Policy, particularly in relation to the Mideast. The overt challenges in Iraq (primarily attributable to the Islamic mentality of shirking responsibility) have undermined the credibility of the presidency and precluded any further military mandates, such as Iran. Not only will Pelosi humiliate the US President by wreaking her brand of liberal holier than thou justice but she will opportunistically impede Bush's capacity to act.
Iran has violated resolution after resolution, disregarded incentive after incentive in its pursuit of nuclear armament. Indeed, Iran is acutely aware of the consequences of this election and is likely to continue its research with impunity. The inability of the Americans to act will certainly result in a nuclear Iran. By its own admission, Israel is unable to unilaterally neutralize the threat and make no mistake Iran will act.
On Beit Hanun
Personally, I don't buy into the emotive bullshit. The Palestinian people are sympathetic to the terrorists and routinely co-operate with them by providing human collateral cover. Case in point, the recent standoff in the Gaza Mosque. Indeed, it is this deliberate and persistent culture of complacency to terrorism that implicates Palestinian civilians.
A big thanks to John Bolton for vetoing the outrageously unbalanced Resolution against Israel. A big fuck you goes out to Qatar for sponsoring it.
Richards > Gibson
Following his comments, Richards issued several public apologies. He unconditionally accepted responsibility for his comments and expressed his mortification. The distinction with Gibson stems from the qualifier in the previous sentence; unconditionally. Richards didn't seek to mitigate the impact of his comments by claiming that they were taken out of context. Richards didn't insist that he was provoked. Richards didn't attribute his sentiments to his upbringing, nor the Americana of yesteryear.
I find the selective public outrage curious. Consider the subtleties of the lexicon- Gibson's diatribe was described as controversial whereas Richards' was described as malicious. I suspect that this is attributable to America's sensitivities. Naturally, the notion of lynching a nigger is further entrenched in the American collective memory than the abstract notion of villainous Jewish deicide. Further, I suggest that the general contrast in the socio-economic situation of the African American and Jewish American communities compounds these sensitivities. In any case, I hope that the same voices who rallied behind Gibson's explanations reconsider their position.
Rabbi Hillel suggested that there are two ways to observe a man's heart; by his comments when he's drunk and his comments when he's angry. Richards and Gibson have a lot of soul searching to do and it's unlikely that these men will ever be forgiven by the communities that they've scorned.
The Environment
The issue of environmental conservation has become corrupted by politically motivated opportunists. Case in point- Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth- an unfortunate title given the film's obvious scientific deficiencies and convenient anti-Republican undertones. Presently, the discourse has become so convoluted that a discussion of the environment necessarily leads to a debate of capitalism.
It is a common misconception that the conservative anti-Kyoto lobby derides the environment. To suggest that the Republicans, conservatives, corporations and capitalists harbor contempt for the planet is slanderous bullshit. Given the complexity of the subject matter, environmental conservation was initially debated within the upper echelons of the scientific community. The debate was proportionate and based around the tenets of generational responsibility verses progress. Presently, former vice-Presidents shock gullible audiences with ominous statistics without providing reasonable context or extending a thorough analysis. Let's assume for a moment that the questionable hypotheses are correct: climate change exists, global warming exists and we are primarily responsible. Now, let's balance that with mankind's scientific, technological, medical and cultural progress since the industrial revolution. For all the questionable statistics the pseudo-political-environmental lobby (PPEL) throws around, there are more compelling statistics that justify those detriments. Here's a few:
Observed British male life expectancy 1850: 38.3
Observed British male life expectancy 2006: 75.7
Pharmaceutical status 1850: None.
Pharmaceutical status 2006: Immunization, antivirals, antibiotics, insulin, etc.
Scientific knowledge 1850: Mechanics, experimental chemistry, God.
Scientific knowledge 2006: Chemistry, biology, medicine, nuclear physics, God (unfortunately and unbelievably)
Another indictment of the PPEL is its warped preferences. Typically, one would expect environmentalists to be politically non-aligned, opting for policies that further the cause of the environment. Consider nuclear power; a viable alternative to fossil fuels that releases only 1% of the greenhouse gases. Recently, prominent environmentalist, David Suzuki, suggested that the option be considered in a menu of potential alternatives to the burning of brown coal. The PPEL, on the other hand, is vehemently opposed to nuclear power. Why? Just because. There is never any qualification of the stance beyond the typical "nuclear power is dangerous. Bush is a terrorist!" rhetoric. Rather, the PPEL advocates grossly inefficient and unfeasible modes of power generation such as solar cells and wind turbines. While these renewable sources of energy are a positive supplement, a $30,000 solar cell configuration still requires households to draw power from the grid when using hot water and air conditioning. Moreover, the creation of silicon solar cells results in toxic byproducts and requires an initial investment of energy corresponding to a thermal pay back period of circa 10 years.
I've always affirmed that war, sex and capitalism have been the three major augmenting factors of human ingenuity. The desire to kill, fuck and make money have motivated mankind's ingenuity. Ultimately, the latter of these- make money- will resolve the problems potentially associated with climate change. Through the creation of schemes that create financial incentives to pollute less, such as Carbon points, and the gradual depletion of fossil fuels, firms will have to seek alternative and profitable ways to generate power. It's not altruistic, but who really cares?
Israel-Lebanon Before July 11
The media is currently being swamped with in-depth analyses of the Israeli-Hizbullah conflict. Incidentally, I have just finished reading a superb editorial that appeared in The Australian newspaper, a nation wide publication. Despite the unrelenting press coverage, I suspect that most people's exposure to the conflict is purely osmotic- a brief thirty second news report over dinner or the odd glance at a headline on the way to the sports pages. This post attempts to motivate some history and provide a context for the current crisis.
Fact 1:
Explanation: During the Lebanese civil war (1975-1990),
Fact 2: The Lebanese government is in violation of UN Resolution 1559- the disarmament of all militia.
Explanation: The 2000 Israeli withdrawal was conditional on a cessation of hostilities from its northern neighbour. The UN accordingly enacted resolution 1559 and called for the disbandment of Hizbullah- a Shiite terrorist organization sponsored by the Syrian and Iranian regimes. The Lebanese government failed to enforce the resolution and allowed the militia to continue operating. Since 2000 there have been hundreds of cross-border skirmishes between
Fact 3:
Explanation: There is a misconception that Syrian involvement in Lebanese politics concluded in February 2005 following the Hizbullah assassination of the anti-Syrian reformist Prime Minister, Rafik Hariri. While
Fact 4: Hizbullah is not a division of the Lebanese army.
Explanation: Support for Hizbullah within
Fact 5:
Explanation: While the protracted Lebanese government policy of appeasement precipitated this conflict,
Fact 6:
Explanation: Critics of
A nation with an undisputed border is attacked by its northern neighbour and suffers eight deaths and two abductions. The nation responds by isolating its neighbour; disrupting the enemy's ability to smuggle the hostages across the border. The response is calculated and measured with care taken to mitigate civilian casualties. Unfortunately, the enemy's base of operations are routinely concealed within dense civilian areas and are used to launch rocket attacks against the nation's civilians. What is the appropriate response? For
Fact 7: The July 11 attacks came one day before the UNSC was set to convene on the matter of
Explanation: Self-evident. The Iranians successfully instigated a proxy war to to shift the focus away from their selfish desires to enslave the
The situation in the
...And One More Thing
"Ayatollah Censors Dictionary"
Tehran- The planned release of a Persian-English dictionary by the Webster Company has once again been delayed by the nation's ultra-conservative Islamic regime. In a brief statement to the press the managing director of Webster announced, "It is unfortunate that the Iranian government continues to prohibit the release of our dictionary." Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Kahaha'arshi insists that "[the dictionary] will never be released into this country! It is a Zionist plot to cause a revolution in this country... lies all lies, this book is filled with them..."
In a 150 page report submitted to Webster, the Ayatollah's Department of Information compiled a series of demands and mandatory ammendments that must be made before the dictionary is to be released. These demands include, but are not limited to: removal of certain words deemed "dangerous to the Iranian psyche", revision of definitions found to "undermine the Iranian regime and/or promote the posionous Zionist cause" and the creation of new words currently not in existence. "We object to the insertion of the word 'freedom'. Freedom never has and never will have a place in this country. There is no need for this word."
Michael Moore's Latest Creation
Controversial film maker Michael Moore has today announced plans for a new documentary aimed at exposing the state of the nation's hospitals. The film, entitled "Hospitalise Me", due for release early next year will feature Moore becoming infected with several serious diseases and seeking medical assistance from the public hospital system.
To coincide with the development of the film, George Bush has announced a 95% cut in government funding to public hospitals. This further cut will likely cripple an already ailing health system. Furthermore, President Bush has secured himself and other high ranking executive Republican officials front row seats at the premier of the film, "I have suddenly become a fan of Mr. Moore's work. I look forward to his funeral, I mean, film."
Qana: An Anlysis
Mainstream media coverage of the latest
Qana: a Hizbullah Aberation
Several days ago, the Israeli Air Force (IAF) engaged Hizbullah targets in the Southern Lebanese city of
Prior to the IAF's attack on Qana, the IDF employed its airforce to cover the city in leaflets imploring civilians to evacuate. The tactic, which has been employed aggressively throughout the campaign, cited that Hizbullah terrorists had seized the town as a platform from which to launch rocket attacks against
According to the IDF's preliminary investigation and eyewitness testimony, Hizbullah terrorists effectively enforced a siege over the town. Gunmen prevented locals from leaving and the terrorist group tactically decentralised itself. When
Israeli advocates, myself among them, appreciate that
Photographed near my university. This is an example of myopic, unjustified and intolerant criticism.
Canada, Gaza and Deluded Opinions
Until last week.
Canadian intelligence infiltrated an Islamic terrorist cell and prevented an imminent catastrophe. Undoubtedly, the Canadians would have felt indignant, betrayed. After all, they did everything that Mr. bin Laden requested. Among the conservative thinkers there was no surprise. This development merely reiterates what the right has been saying for decades; that the objective of Islamic terrorists is to destabilize the West and establish an international Shariah theocracy. Naturally, these intentions are as much an affront to moderate Muslims as they are to others.
Also in the news, Israeli Internal Security Minister (and former Shin Bet agent), Avi Dichter, addressed the Israeli Cabinet. He presented a report about the continuous barrage of rocket attacks from
One year on and enthused by delusions of victory, Palestinian terrorist groups have consolidated their power base within
Last night the Israeli government released a report into the incident. The report found that no specific orders to target the site were issued and that the likelihood of an errant misfire was slim. The report cited the following anomalies as justification for its conclusion:
1. Shrapnel taken from two wounded Palestinians who were evacuated to Israeli hospitals showed that the explosives were not manufactured in
2. Absence of a sufficiently large crater, indicative of IDF artillery shells, at the site of the explosion.
3. All debris were removed before the IDF was able to investigate. Limited Palestinian co-operation has hindered all efforts to investigate the site.
The leading theory currently entertained, suggested that an explosive charge, buried by Palestinians on the
Naturally, the Hamas response was instant. Over 50 shells were launched against the southern Israeli city of
I draw the reader's attention to two points. The first is the obvious asymmetry between the Israeli and the Palestinian military tactics; the deliberate targeting of civilians on the Arab side and the tireless efforts to minimise civilian casualties on the Israeli side. Arrogant Western media outlets casually refer to this bullshit notion of a cycle of violence. Fact: the linear violence exists because the Palestinians repeatedly inflame it. And in rare instances where there is a lul they instigate it. Secondly, there is evidence to suggest that Hamas was an accomplice to the Islamic Jihad Kassam campaign.
The sad reality that I must bear at this point in time, and believe me when I say that it eats at me, is the obvious realisation that the Intifada is an elaborate publicity stunt to undermine the legitimacy of the state of
A Brief History Lesson
In a previous post a reader requested that I explain the circumstances and origins of the Palestinian national movement. I have decided that the most effective response is a simple citation of the facts. Accordingly, I will abstain from any editorialising.
In the second part of his question, Samuel asked me whether one can be neutral in one's sympathies on the Israeli-Palestinian issue. The answer is a resounding no. The case for
In the year 1947, the United Nations General Assembly accepted a resolution that divided British Mandate Palestine into two distinct territories. The orange portions (as indicated below) were appropriated to form a Jewish state and the yellow portions were designated to form the basis of a Palestinian state.
Neighbouring Arab regimes instantly rejected the resolution. That was where the consensus ended.
The birth of the Palestinian movement is contentious and difficult to ascribe. I view the initial phase of transitory statehood as commencing in the years 1956-1958. These were the chaotic years of spontaneous resistance against
What does the future hold for the region? Assuming a continuation in terrorism (a rather shrewd assumption), Jews will certainly embrace emigration. In fact, I will be amazed if
Modern anti-Semitism
Jews are often accused of being over sensitive to their own plight and insensitive to the suffering of others. This rhetoric follows a standardized formula and typically involves criticism of Jews for persistently referencing the Holocaust, asserting millennia of persecution or simply over glorifying insignificant acts of vandalism as anti-Semitism. Some cynics even contend that Jews deliberately play the anti-Semitism card to avoid legitimate criticism of
Firstly, the nature of modern European anti-Semitism provided the framework for the annihilation of more than half of the continent's Jewish population. While contemporary Germans may find it inconvenient to exist within the shadow of their nation's past, the horrors of the Holocaust are engrained within the psyches of many survivors. Moreover, the sheer magnitude of the genocide motivates contemporary Jews to assert their rights. The complaint of persistent Jewish referencing of the Holocaust is about as valid as insisting that African Americans cease dwelling on the injustices of slavery.
The charge of a Jewish persecution mentality is absolutely absurd. While millennia of persecution are undeniable, Jews have always been excellent enablers. As per Mark Twain's analysis, " Properly the Jew ought hardly to be heard of, but he is heard of, has always been heard of. He is as prominent on the planet as any other people, and his commercial importance is extravagantly out of proportion to the smallness of his bulk. His contributions to the world's list of great names in literature, science, art, music, finance, medicine and abstruse learning are also away out of proportion to the weakness of his numbers. He has made a marvellous fight in the world, in all the ages; and has done it with his hands tied behind him." An obsession with always playing the victim necessarily precludes this level of achievement.
The final accusation against the Jews as intentionally subverting anti-Semitic sentiment to achieve political objectives is the most heinous. There seems to be a conspiracy, probably attributable to the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, that Jews frequently assemble and discuss plans for global domination. Despite the obvious logistical flaws and the lack of Jewish consensus on what global domination would actually entail, Jewish history unequivocally proves that Jews have very limited influence over their neighbours’ actions. Sadly, this perverse logic runs deeply through the Western pulse. I draw the reader's attention to an article fragment from the Jpost that describes the efforts of the American Jewish community to publicise the silent Dafur genocide:
The fact that the aggressors in Darfur are Arab Muslims - though it should be said that the victims are also mostly Muslim - and are supported by a regime in Khartoum that is backed by the Arab League has made some people question the true motives of some of the Jewish organizations involved in the rally.
The journalist observes that African American and Arab organisations have been dissuaded from endorsing the March of Solidarity because of suspect Jewish political motivations. In this instance, contemporary anti-Semites would prefer an entire race of ethnic Muslim Sudanese to be slaughtered than to accept the possibility that Jews are genuinely sensitive to genocide. Naturally, had the Jews remained silent on this issue then they would have undoubtedly been condemned for inaction.
Freedom of Speech?
The Australian Federal Policy (AFP) and the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), have successfully established a precedent that allows Islamofascists to advocate violent Jihad against Westerners as an expression of their religious convictions. This absurd judgment came after several suspect Sydney Islamic bookstores were investigated for selling material that "carried an endorsement from Al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden on its back cover and promoted 'wiring up one's body' with explosives." Moreover, seized material also described non-Muslims as "pigs and dogs" and justified killing innocent people in the name of Jihad. Despite the insistence of the Islamic Lobby that these texts constitute a legitimate freedom of expression, there is a clear violation of
(a) the person urges a group or groups (whether distinguished by race, religion, nationality or political opinion) to use force or violence against another group or other groups (as so distinguished)
Additionally, it is now specifically illegal to [urge] a person to assist the enemy:
(a) the person urges another person to engage in conduct; and
(b) the first-mentioned person intends the conduct to assist an organisation or country; and
(c) the organisation or country is:
(i) at war with the Commonwealth, whether or not the existence of a state of war has been declared; and
(ii) specified by Proclamation made for the purpose of paragraph 80.1(1)(e) to be an enemy at war with the Commonwealth.
Or to [urge] a person to assist those engaged in armed hostilities:
(a) the person urges another person to engage in conduct; and
(b) the first-mentioned person intends the conduct to assist an organisation or country; and
(c) the organisation or country is engaged in armed hostilities against the Australian Defence Force."
Presently, the Australian Defense Force is engaged in armed hostilities with Al Qaeda.
There is an alarming asymmetry within the Australian judiciary in its handling of free speech. Australian Muslims enjoy a virtually unlimited right of expression, unrestricted by existing incitement laws. Yet, groups critical of the potential Islamic insurrection are subject to judicial restraint. For example, two years ago, a Christian minister was ordered to retract an online statement that accused Muslims of ideologically supporting terrorism. Furthermore, those who do engage the Islamic Lobby often face intimidation and threats of violence.
Ayatollas with Bombs
It is a perverse misconception that the
The world faces two options. The first is to retain an open dialogue with Iran and seek a diplomatic solution. Proponents of this option suggest possible economic sanctions and political isolation should talks fail. A detraction of this policy is that it's slow.
Appeasement- but at what cost?
Should the West elect to appease
Australia Vs. Indonesia
Australian-Indonesian relations are confusing at the best of times. In 2002 Australian peacekeepers were instrumental in gaining long-overdue independence for
Unfortunately, despite all the wrangling and ass-fucking
When Privatisation Fails
It's the economy, stupid!
It is a common misconception that Capitalism is averse to nationalisation. Basic microeconomic theory suggests that a government monopoly can most efficiently control the allocation of certain resources, such as water, by funding the initial expense through tax revenue and then charging consumers the marginal cost (variable cost) of production. Another instance of economic failure due to privatisation occurs when a government elects to cede control over a heavily regulated sector. A classic example of this is the Howard government's decision to partially privatise
1998 heralded a new age in
The initial public offer of Telstra shares ($6) in 1998 was marketed at "mum and dad investors". The prospectus was intentionally simple to understand; lacking verbose financial jargon, and projected Telstra as an income stock. Institutional investors were cynical about Telstra's capacity to generate substantial long-term profits and queried the government about the extent of regulatory constraints being enforced. Nevertheless, applications were received on the basis that Telstra's dividend model provided a superior return to the cash rate and it was very unlikely that the telco would suffer any significant capital losses.
At the end of trade today TLS closed at a near record low of $3.68.
I trust the government, it's the people that run the government that I don't trust
So what happened? Precisely what analysts feared would happen. Telstra gained conditional independence from the government and instantly found itself in an impossible Catch-22 scenario. On the one hand Telstra had to return profits to investors in the forms of capital gains and cash dividends; a policy that stripped the company of liquid assets, and on the other hand, Telstra had to invest hundreds of millions into improving infrastructure and servicing the bush. Under its first CEO, Ziggy Switkowski, Telstra attempted to divest out of the bush, actively ignoring rural
First law of holes: when you're in one, stop digging
Earlier in the week, Phil Burgess, Telstra's managing director, publicly expressed the Telstra board's frustration with the government constraints.
"We have a legal and fiduciary responsibility to protect the investment of our shareholders. And the new management is going to do that - that's what we're committed to do...So the idea that Telstra can be a magic pudding for government policy, those days are over."
Presently, Telstra finds itself in a desperate situation. The company is cash strapped and was forced to dip into reserves to sustain its dividend levels. Hundreds of millions are required to update the nation's telecommunications infrastructure. And Telstra was forced to suspend its plans to introduce higher speed broadband to consumers until "the board is satisfied that Telstra has resolved all immediate issues."
The only equitable solution is a policy of complete privatisation, complete deregulation of the telecommunications industry and the establishment of government funds in escrow (possibly from the sale itself) to ensure the interests of the bush.
Passover Message
In the late 19th century, Western European Jewry began to flourish. It embraced secularism, affluence and acquired a sense of national identity. Indeed, their auto-emancipation was so comprehensive that many suppressed their Jewish roots. A German-Jewish soldier, venerated for bravery during World War I, famously observed "I am a German citizen of the religion of Moses". This cultural abandonment was also coupled with a sense of indifference towards the plight of their Eastern European brothers. Many Jewish-born intellectuals arrogantly expressed disdain for the humiliated Eastern Jewry, suggesting that they must shed their persecution complex and earn their place in society. Others, less publicly, adopted the "am I my brother's keeper?" mentality. While I reject the notion that the Holocaust was God's divine manifestation, I do, very carefully and respectfully, acknowledge the irony that all 'Jews' (according to the Nazi definition), irrespective of nationality, wealth or even religious persuasion were collectively bound to experience the same horrors.
Sixty years on, and sensitivities aside, the ugly face of apathy rears its ugly head.
Double speak
A detraction from objective journalism is a lack of context. The role of the News is to merely state the facts, not extend an analysis of the situation. Accordingly, when one reads of a suicide bombing in Tel Aviv, one simply absorbs the number of causalities, the circumstances of the attack, a verbose ideological statement from the relevant terrorist organisation and a statement of resolve from the authorities. Hidden within the text are the indirect effects of the conflict.
Constant Arab reprisals have created a fractured Israeli society, riddled with poverty and inequity. In 2005,
or 7.7% of GDP, the highest military spending anywhere in the world. 21% of the Israeli population live below the poverty line and thanks to the Intifada's decimation of the tourist industry, 8.9% of the labour force is unemployed. Moreover, amenities for disabled people are desperately under funded and equal access is a mere pipe dream. The privileges that are so ingrained in
Few diaspora Jews acknowledge, or even recognise, that in 2006 Israeli Jews go hungry. We must ask ourselves whether present day
Less land equates fewer resources and fewer opportunities.
Israeli Elections
Historical context
Prof. Alan Dershowitz (Harv.) aptly insists on a 'statue of limitations for grievances' in his book 'The Case for
Territorial or Existential?
Critics of
When the united Arab armies invaded
The assertion that Israel must unconditionally return land that it legitimately seized to a provisional state incapable of enforcing its own obligations under International Law and failing to recognise Israel's right to exist is fundamentally flawed. Moreover, this line of reasoning was proved to be defunct in the 2000 Camp David Peace Talks, where terrorist Yassir Arafat shocked the world by rejecting a proposition that he himself had been demanding; an independent state with its capital in Jerusalem, control over the Temple Mount, a return of 95% of the West Bank of Jordan and the entire Gaza strip, and a $30 billion compensation package for alleged refugees of the 1948 Arab instigated war. Arafat failed to offer a counter-proposal. Instead, he waged the Intifada.
Thus, the issue of "occupation" had been effectively dissolved as a central point of contention among the Palestinians and Israelis. The issue is the fundamental right of Jews to live in their own state.
The most overt implication of the Arab-Israeli conflict is that it will never be resolved through politics. Regardless of whether
I conclude with the final blessings offered by millions of Jews daily:
Ose shalom bimrumav, Hu ya'ase shalom aleynu, ve al kol Yisrael.
Bring peace in our time, bring peace upon us and upon all of Yisrael.
Nuclear Proliferation
Strictly ideological legislations are often based on unrealistic assumptions of behaviour. Indeed, they tend to mandate how a collective should behave rather than accommodate how the collective actually does behave. The NPT is one such example. The fundamental assumptions of the Treaty are that all regimes are rational and seek peace. Not particularly shrewd. Consider
Another indication of the NPT's sheer irrelevance is the absence of an enforcement clause (akin to the Kyoto Protocol). Curiously, a signatory nation is merely "bound by principle" to observe its obligations as per the Treaty. Member nations, among them; France, China, Russia and the UK continue to actively develop and test military nuclear technology, while the USA, which is poised to overhaul and upgrade its entire arsenal, regularly performs virtual nuclear tests using computer simulations. The lack of legal recourse and non-transparency creates a classic cartel scenario: In a climate of mistrust, each member seeks to gain an advantage by violating their obligations. An organic dissolution.